Jaap K. Sont, Anneke ten Brinke:

“The societal- and patient burden of Living with severe ASThma: impact of treatment with biologics (LAST-project)”.

Lianne ten Have, Kim de Jong, J.A. Kroes, Fleur Meulmeester, K.B. Fieten, Anneke ten Brinke, Jacob Sont:

“Real-world effects of dupilumab initiation on patient reported outcome measures in severe asthma”.

Pieter-Paul Hekking, Tuba Kaya:

“Real-world evaluation of dupilumab treatment in adults with severe allergic asthma”.

Fleur L. Meulmeester, Lianne ten Have, Hans Kroes, Jacob K. Sont, Anneke ten Brinke:

“The real-world effect of tezepelumab on patient-centered outcomes in addition to clinical outcomes in patients with severe asthma (AESTHETE)”.

Mirjam van Velzen, Saar van Nederveen, Katrien Eger, Hans Kroes:

“Changes In Medication burden after the start of Biologics in patients with severe Asthma (CIMBA study)”.